Online videos

Just move, as you are, naturally, with ease, coordination, grace and above all joy…

Prenatal yoga

Hi everyone, I am pregnant! and all is going well in my second trimester. It has taken some time to adjust to the new times, home working, home schooling plus morning sickness… so I have been quietely finding a positive way through all of it, taking the time to appreciate the positives and reflect on what truly matters to me. I have missed in person classes and you all very much! So here I am, ready to share new videos. These are good for everyone (not only if you are pregnant :)). Give them a try and let me know about you; I will be very happy to connect.

New videos and posts: Stay connected if you are staying home!

Here I share a bit of yesterday’s practice with you. I was feeling a bit stuck in my body (when I sit down my left side gets blocked easily and sciatica kicks in) after a couple of hours writing. I also noticed quite a bit of tension creeping as I was reading the updates my family shared from Spain. So, I took a break, went to the studio and filmed a bit to share with you all, and I felt much better. Hope this helps you too!

Brief chat and meditation below. I guess I am going to save you the details that you already know, the information overload is not good for us! I am just updating the website and having fun making new little videos to keep connected with our local community. Of course anyone from anywhere is super welcome to join too! This is the first one, just a brief chat about how I deal with anxiety, a continuous practice… I do not have a magic recipe or ingredient to ignore a very natural response, but I can share with you what helps me feel better. I generally prefer action and lots of movement. When I am stressed, what helps me most is to feel strong with a vigorous practice, but sometimes it is not the best thing to do. If you feel a bit depleted, just sitting comfortably, avoiding technology and connecting to your breath for a bit makes your tummy rumble (= gets your relaxation response on!). Ok, no more rumbling and let’s practice together!

Play time on yoga swing

My personal journey with #core (Supporting healing after pregnancy (diastasis recti and pelvic floor))

Let’s talk!

Warm up


Tai Chi

Stråla Flows

For runners (and everyone!)

Energise and build strength

Relax, Unwind and Stretch out