
Almost three years later… 9th June 2020

Some things have changed quite a lot, while others remain the same… we are all adjusting to a new way of living (in pandemic times) and interacting with others, connecting and practicing yoga online is the new normal.

I keep practising and learning, enjoying moving through every stage, the ups and the downs in life. These are exciting moments for me as I am getting ready to welcome a new life growing inside me. I am recording some of my practices to share with anyone that wants to practice along with me, pregnant or not. I will be very happy to hear from you!


We’ve got a studio! – 5th November 2017


This actually happened a while ago but I haven’t had the chance to write here about it until now. The most important thing, better late than never… here we go!!!

This is such a lovely space to enjoy with family and friends. Little one loves it and often says ‘I wanna go into the studio!’, he likes the swing and says ‘Mummy watch me’, so no option to let him play on his own while I move doing my own thing, he wants my attention, as we all do. We are learning to share the swing and take turns. He is a super fun little man. It is fascinating to see children grow and develop; I am learning great lessons from him.

The reason why I haven’t been here much is my lecturing ‘debut’. This is the first semester that I am actually lecturing (thermodynamics to future Mechanical Engineers!). It is being a very steep learning curve; I am having many interesting experiences and anecdotes, some challenges too and a lot of peer support. Everything is going well but these are super busy times. Apart from lecturing, there are so many other things to get done within a deadline. I often struggle to find the balance. But I know it is already getting better, it is about finding the flow here too; building the confidence (by practicing over and over again), getting to know the academic environment and how it works, navigating through it. I can’t help to smile every time I find a similarity between guiding Stråla, working academia and teaching thermodynamics…. I am smiling all the time.

Some people had asked about private classes happening here. I said not for now, if I did I would not be taking care of myself. But there might be things going on here in the future, so watch this space!!


Stråla summer 2017 – 27th August, 2017

Last time I wrote something here I was in New York! I knew it was going to be great, but all of it went beyond my expectations. Tara and Mike keep evolving; on their personal approach to yoga and life; and on the way they pass their experience on to us, the guides and super guides all over the world!


I did learn a lot through the practices, classes, group activities and so on, but I did also learn a whole lot from observing how they evolved after previous training with them; on seeking for different ways and approaches to share their message and guide others. The third week on healing with Sam Berlind was fascinating, we have lots of  hands-on experience practicing leaning and supporting each other, connecting within and with others. I definitely enjoy being rolled over and leaned on! Can we do that again?

The training was an inner journey with a few emotional ups and downs throughout. Happiness, joy, playfulness, and also some sadness specially when saying ‘see you soon’ to so many beautiful people.

The community is one of the things that made this training so special. It was sad to say goodbye, but I know we will get together soon. In the meantime, I am super excited to start building up a local community of space makers, so please!!! check out the schedule and come and share the good vibes with us!

While I was away in NY progress was made on our home studio! Windows were fitted and plastering done.

Last weekend, the boys were up on their way to Scotland,  my friend and Stråla guide Hannah (@hannahmekat) came to stay over, and we both made good progress on painting. THANK YOU SO MUCH HANNAH! Next steps will be installing the electrics and then sorting out some little problems with the outside before putting our super sprung floor in! Only a few more weeks to go!


Update from New York – 16th July, 2017


Stråla – 1. to radiate light; 2. to shine brightly; 3. to beam, to smile broadly; 4. world’s best yoga

I am here!!!! Two days in the Advanced Leadership Training and the experience is even better than imagined.

What makes it even more special is the opportunity to gather and meet other SUPER guides in real life, sharing our journeys and dreams. But today (one of those days!), there has been a bit of sadness inside me and tears came up without warning. I am missing the hugs of my little one (and the laughter and the chatter… “what’s that noise mummy? what is that mummy? and whose that mummy? may I have some?” resonates in my head). This morning, I opened up and shared this with some of the guides (Katie, Sam, Rae, Mar, Natalie… thank you so much!) and my best friend Shanti (whose apartment I have invaded). They all have been a great support today, and also my husband from the distance. Yes,  I will make the most of the me time, being here, now, taking care of myself, that’s why we all are in this training.

In the meantime there has been progress in the studio back at home!!!!!!!

Plasterboard all on! We are more than half way to the end. Next steps are plastering, painting, fitting the windows and floor. The latter will wait until I am back in mid August. So exciting!!!



Progress and materials stuff – 9th July, 2017

Anyone dealing with building works knows that final numbers are always a little bit (often not so little) more than expected… and yes, this is the case for us too! I have chosen (thank you Tom for knowing so well your control freak wife) and ordered most of the materials to make it cheaper. But still, there is a lot of details to deal with and different people involved. Including builders (super nice crew, if you need one in Chester get in touch), electrician, plasterer, suppliers for windows, floor and so on. All adds up to the total, and counting! I am sure it will be worthy, we are just hoping that things don’t go out of the roof!




The garage door is gone! – Day 4 – Here there will be a sliding window/door

I envision this as an extra room in our home, a free and open space to MOVE, to BE, to practice yoga, Tai Chi, to dance and listen to music, for Tom playing the guitar (but without shoes on!) and for having many birthday parties for our little one. A place to spend time with our friends. And of course for Strala guides get together (Hannah, Dom, Noz and all, I mean you!).


Putting up the insulation – day 3


Looking forward to welcoming you in this space!


It’s happening! – 2nd July, 2017

Yay! Zibby and his team have started to dedicate part of their weekends to work on our project. I am so sooooooo grateful to them and of course to my other half. Mil gracias Tom for being so encouraging, supportive and involved.



In day 1 they stripped out all the old materials and started with the new timber frame. Today (day 2) they have placed an I beam of steel to support the structure. I took the opportunity to ask for help to John C (technical team in the School of Engineering in the Uni of Liverpool) to check the dimensions I needed to support the ceiling (… and to hang a yoga swing to play as well, very exciting!!)  Of course he also knew a local company, which was great as I didn’t know where to start. Thank you John! The beam is now in place with the bolts ready. Next step is the electric installation before putting a whole lot of new insulation and plasterboard.

More next weekend!

Our future home studio


This is the space we are now in the process to reconvert into our home studio. An old semi-converted garage in the back of our new home in Chester.

My very good friends, and godparents to my little one, helped to initiate the project. Rachel, best friend and architect based in London, helped with the design and materials selection. Thanks Rach!

It’s not been easy to find someone to help us, but we finally have (fingers crossed!). We are now in the process of ordering the materials, a bit slow given that Tom is away traveling around the world to learn all about milk. I am looking after the little one, plus job, house stuff and of course practicing and guiding to get into the flow of everything. We are very excited about this and are hoping to get it all done this summer. More about the progress soon!


Me with little one, Rich and Rach (THE ARCHITECT!)